What is your Goliath?

Hey Cstone Fam! This week our reading focused on the book of 1 Samuel. This book tells the story of the transition of Israel from a period of judges to the establishment of the monarchy under King Saul and the rise of David, who would eventually become king. The book begins with Hannah, a barren woman who prays for a son. She is blessed with her son, Samuel. Samuel eventually anoints Saul as King with God’s blessing. Meanwhile, a Shepard boy named David enters the scene. He gains recognition for his bravery and faith in God by defeating Goliath. This book of the bible is full of important stories and characters, so we wanted to get some thoughts!

  • What’s your Goliath?

  • Looking at Hannah’s example, what’s a testimony in your life of a remarkable outcome that occurred through the perseverance of prayer?

  • After reading about David sparing Saul in the cave, what was an example in your life where you felt God telling you to show mercy to someone else?

  • How is your week going?

As always, we appreciate your time and energy to join us in this year long Bible plan. Stay safe and keep the faith!


Why Do We Psalm?


Joshua 3:24 ; Ruth 1-4